202. Lift up, lift up your voices now

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Lift up, lift up your voices now;
The whole wide world rejoices now:
The Lord hath triumphed gloriously,
The Lord shall reign victoriously.

In vain with stone the cave they barred;
In vain the watch kept ward and guard:
Majestic from the spoiled tomb,
In pomp of triumph Christ is come.

He binds in chains the ancient foe;
A countless host he frees from woe,
And heav'n's high portal open flies,
For Christ has ris'n, and man shall rise.

And all he did, and all he bare,
He gives us as our own to share;
And hope and joy and peace begin,
For Christ has won, and man shall win.

O Victor, aid us in the fight,
And lead through death to realms of light:
We safely pass where thou hast trod;
In thee we die to rise to God.

Thy flock, from sin and death set free,
Glad alleluias raise to thee;
And ever with the heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.